Registration holds a student’s place in the EUREKA programs
Student Planner
Miscellaneous student supplies
Eureka provides two days a week for students to attend somewhat traditional style classes. Students bring their lesson plans, and our teachers guide the learning process. We target student needs and provide support, assessment, and guidance in all aspects of the educational process.
Eureka does not provide curriculum, we support and enhance the curriculum you are using while providing our 
educational expertise.
Multi-grade and ability alternating with single-grade and focused ability allows for better individualized instruction as well as dynamic classroom experiences.
Small class sizes
Support is provided for the classes the student is currently taking.
Helpful expert feedback, assessment, and recommendations from a qualified teacher is given to the parents.
Classes meet on site as well as parks, libraries, churches…even shops and on walks.
EUREKA provides routine and schedule to support families who homeschool.
Christ-centered teaching with an integrated Biblical world-view
Opportunities to meet and engage with students from other schools and families
Fun, hands-on, dynamic, challenging, and encouraging
Build student confidence, skill, and self-esteem.
Give parents a fresh perspective, a needed break, and expert support.
Lessons are available as private or semi-private (2-5 students.)
Guitar and piano classes will emphasize:
- performance through recitals, talent show, and chapels
- skills for ensemble as well as solo performance
Weekly praise and devotional time for students and families too!
Music students will assist in worship
Weekly teaching that will bring students to a closer relationship with the Lord
Open to any and all!
Time for reflection and growth
Parents, missionaries, and special guest speakers
- Zoos, parks, local hiking trails, and tide pools
Ministry opportunities! Los Angeles Mission, Olive Crest, CHOC Hospital, convalescent homes, etc.